Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weekly prompt...

We saw a really sad movie,this movie was a project about paper clips.The name of the movie was PAPER clips.In Germany,long time ago,Germany killed 6 million of Jewish just because a really mean man hated them.But thank goodness some of them survived!They talked about what happpend in Germany,when they moved to USA,but they talked with all there pain in there hearts♥♥♥,with tears,so I got really sad what happened.But the great part was that Whitwell Middle school had a train and visitors came,they still come!☺☺☺☻☻☻.So I feel of honor them,there were still young.Thank You.BY:Me.P.S I have a paper clip!☻We learn in Globaloria about research if there true or false.But what we saw was that some websites looked different,some of them had links and information that wasn't part in the link.(Like my writing in 4th grade,dint make scene.)The part I want to learn is how to know which is true or false.BY:Me.P.s Later.OK I don't know what to write.We research yesterday in google about bullying.We choose our link,we looked dead links,and other things.But we haved to write on hand because we dint understand to do.Now,yesterday we research Brainpop,we watched videos whatever we wanted.I wrote of bullying,cyberbullying and alchohol.I wanted to watch a video of acne but it took most of the time.Well,the truth is that I don't learn just by watching videos,I learn by reading(cool).Now I don't know what to write!Happy Halloween?Maybe.Yeah,maybe.Ok Happy Halloween!Happy?BY:Me.

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